Manuscript types

There are several types of manuscripts that are considered for peer-review and publication in TZR:

Research Articles: The manuscripts have to be in high international and advanced level. In this case, the Editorial Board recommend to authors to prepare and submit a scientific manuscript with the original, innovative and complete sets of the own research results, including the short review of the latest research achievements from the world. In general, the submitted manuscript (including illustrations) should not exceed 50 printed pages with an abstract of 300 to 500 words reflecting the main results.

Reviews: The critical (on friendly manner) analysis of recently published scientific monographs, proceedings and books should reflect the positive and negative sides of the reviewed publication with the suggestions for future studies. The overall review and summarasing the progress of some scientific topic with comments on the status of research is requested. The author(s) of review must be familiar with the scientific theme and have several years of relevant research experience. Text of the review should not exceed 15 pages.

Brief Communications: The journal presents a novel phenomenon or the short reporting of the important scientific results as a pre-publication of full article. Manuscripts of this type should not exceed two pages, with a brief abstract consisting of up to 200 words.

News and upcoming event information: Manuscripts are devoted to the important scientific news, including also the short introduction of newly published outstanding monographs, as well as information on significant upcoming or current international conferences and academic affairs.


Manuscripts should be submitted in English. In case of the cited bibliography on other languages the accurate Latin transliteration of the author(s) name(s), correct English translation of the cited publication title and other reference details should be provided.

Text Guidelines

Title: Authors are requested to use short and informative titles of manuscripts without abbreviations, when possible. Titles are often used in information-retrieval systems.

Author(s) name(s): Include the full, detailed name for all author(s) responsible for the article’s information and data.

Affiliation(s): Indicate all affiliations, including the country name, with a superscript immediately after the author’s name(s), below the name(s) of the author(s). Include the full postal and electronic address for the corresponding author who is willing to handle correspondence at all stages of publication and post-publication.

Abstract: Please include the purpose(s), methodological approaches, main results and principal conclusions of the research; references and nonstandard abbreviations should be avoided. The abstract should contain in average 300 to 500 words.

Keywords: provide 3 to 7 keywords, closely related to the subject of the manuscript. Please avoid some general and plural terms and multiple notions.

Recommended structure of the main manuscript body

Introduction: Provide a general review of the studied problem and adequate background with the significance and objective(s) of the research, including necessary citing of references of work published.

Materials (study area) and methods: Presenting a general idea of the studied material and used methodological approaches (or proposed methods) as well as the basic progress of the research. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference.

Results and discussion: Provide the original results of the research and their discussion.

Conclusions: Formulate the main conclusions of the study that may stand alone.

Acknowledgements: Should include some information on grants received (if applicable) or funding organizations and recognition of people who assisted in the work.

References: Include reference citation to acknowledge the sources of information from other studies; in the text and in the reference list the references should be listed first alphabetically, then chronologically. More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters “a”, “b”, “c”, etc., placed after the year of publication.

Every reference cited in the text should be also presented in the reference list; journal names should not be abbreviated. Citation guidelines are according to Publishing manual of the American Psychological Association (A.P.A., 7th ed., 2011, (

Format of manuscript

Provide your text in Word (.doc or .docx) format; the text, tables and figures must be in one document. The details of manuscript format is as shown in Template, presented on the journal website ( Illustrations must be numbered consecutively, using Arabic numerals. The figures and photographs should be provided in high-resolution files with 600 dpi. Formulas should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, placed in parentheses to the right of the formula. The Journal uses the international system of units (SI), such as “m”, “m2”, “t”, etc. Nomenclature should follow internationally accepted rules and conventions.


Manuscript submissions will only be accepted through the online submission system ( The volume of articles is up to 50 pages (approximately 10,000 words). Authors need to register a profile with the journal or, if already registered, can simply log in and start process of manuscript submission. After manuscript acceptance, a signed “Copyright Transfer Statement” should be scanned and uploaded to the online system; the statement file as well as Template are available on-line in website ( Once the manuscript is accepted and published in the journal TZR, the article copyright will be transferred to the Editorial Office of the TZR journal.  

Processing submitted manuscripts

The editors of the journal will review whether or not a manuscript fits the basic requirements. The Editorial office will inform authors within fifteen days of receipt of a manuscript if it does not comply with TZR requirements. After that manuscripts will be independently peer-reviewed. If reviewers consider the manuscript unsuitable for publication, the decision will be communicated to the author(s) within two months of the date the manuscript was received. In these days, author(s) cannot submit the manuscript to other journals. The Editorial office has the right to edit the articles for words, sentences, grammar and expression. Manuscripts sent back to the corresponding authors for revision should be returned to the Editorial office without delay, attaching a letter of response to each point raised by reviewers. The decision made by the Editorial Board whether or not to publish any submission, shall be final.

One to two months before manuscripts are published, a press proof in PDF format will be e-mailed to corresponding author(s). The author should check the PDF file very carefully, because after the manuscript is approved online, any changes will not be accepted by TZR. After the manuscript is printed, the publication final pdf as a re-print will be sent to the corresponding author. The printed version of the new issue of the journal will be published soon online at and author(s) could also download the PDF file from the website.

Contact information

Editorial office, “Tethys Entomological Research”
Institute of Zoology RK, 93 al-Farabi Ave., Almaty, 050060, Kazakhstan.
Phone/Fax: +(7-727) 269 48 65